Saturday, December 1, 2007

Weary Washington Taxpayers

Is there any other kind of Taxpayer? Is there any state whose taxpayers aren't weary of paying taxes? Some states have lower taxes, per capita or per income or per whatever criteria you choose to use. What cannot be compared is, are you paying more taxes per unit of quality of life, not necessarily quality of life for you, but the quality of life of all citizens, as a whole, for the state.

There are states that have lower property taxes, lower sales taxes, lower income taxes, lower gas, liquor, cigarette, public transportation, inheritance, and business taxes. There are states that for your income bracket and life style, are more fair, in your mind.

The real issue is, if you enjoy where you live, the lifestyle you have generated, and the services that are available, why constantly whine about the taxes that help those that serve you, work for you, are for your less fortunate children and neighbors, are incarsirated and have tried to hurt you and yours. Is it really important that your BMW can drive down the freeway at 50 mph during rush hour while your subordinates can only drive 25 mph in their Toyotas. Is your time worth more to you than the landscaper, making a tenth of your income, when he spends half of his day on the roads going from job to job.

If you love the evergreens, mountains, lakes and sound, the cost of living here is what it is. Is it more expensive here than elsewhere, maybe, but you have a choice.

Our short-sighted lawmakers packaged a transportation proposal that failed miserably. Was it too much public transportation, too much for roads, too much or the wrong type of funding. It was all of those things. But what it really was, was a statement to all those people of other states that might consider moving here, that there are costs to enjoying our bountiful environment. It is also a statement to those that complain the most, that if you don't want to pay your share, fair or not, you can take your selfish ass and move it to California, Idaho or New York City.

Economists will all agree that growth is good and necesary. But too much, too quick, or unplanned growth can be more costly than the benefits derived. Californicators want to cash out their piece of the inflated pie and move here to buy their chunk of heaven, only to find that due to growth manganment mandates they have to buy 30 acres, 50 miles from their job, to build their McMansion on 3,000 square feet of non-wetland buildable land. Well, too fricken bad. You screwed up your state, don't come here and screw up ours.

Did Bill Gates set up headquarters in W. Virginia, or Tennessee, or wherever, to avoid the exhorbatent taxes we charge here? No, he is a Washingtonian. His foundation, along with other super-rich, like Warren Buffett, believe they don't even pay what those of their ilk should pay.

Nobody should pay one dime more in taxes than they are required to pay, but do you have to bitch every time your cost of enjoying the Northwest quality of life goes from the dime you were paying to a dime and a penny.

So, Mr. Eyman, and others like you, I am sure that the cost of being a watch sales and repairman have increased over the years, but the folks that are buying your Rolexes can surely afford to spend a few more cents per thousand dollar value of their mega homes, to do their share to continue to line the pockets of their lobyists, the lobyists who insure that you can drive your SUV's and BMW's and light and heat your mega-homes. They actually can also afford their share of the cost to protect the environment, take care of our children's health and put away all the bad guys that 'really' want to take your money.

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